What Do I Need to Put on Registry for 2nd Baby

Ultimate baby registry for second baby

Ultimate baby registry for second baby

Curious what you need to put on your registry for 2d infant? My listing will assistance yous embrace all the right footing, with gear for toting two, to super lightweight car seats, the best breast pumps, and the conveniences that volition make all the difference. This is my personal registry for second infant, and I know it volition aid you plan for a new niggling one, besides!

Ultimate baby registry for second baby collage with various baby registry items

My second pregnancy has been so different from my first and completely the same, all at one time.

People said, "Oh, with the second, you lot'll be so relaxed y'all won't care about anything! And the nursery won't be washed until she's 3 months old. And you'll recollect exactly what to exercise!"

Yep, no to all of those. I'chiliad actuallymore paranoid with this pregnancy, to the point that I chosen my doctor something similar 10 times from Paris afterward I accidentally ate a lot of foie gras and raw Camembert. My concerned, elderly French waiter pointed out that I'mnot supposed to eat that simply afterwards I'd shoveled it all in, of grade, and then I became convinced that I'd get listeriosis from the Camembert and toxoplasmosis from the salad it was all on. My doctor wasn't surprise when she heard from me, if that gives you an thought of how chill I am during pregnancy.

And the plant nursery? I'm 25 weeks now, and it's more than or less totally done. I sit in there sometimes and stare at the crib and the seriously badass crib skirt I establish for super cheap at a Pottery Barn Outlet and recall about how lucky my girl is going to be to larn all these snappy shopping skills from her frugal mama.

And knowing exactly what to do? I wish. I'm lucky to have an amazing network of mamas locally that I can grill at whatsoever moment, but I honestly don't even remember what my son wore when he was a couple months quondam. I have no idea if I should invest in onesies or only sleepers, or was information technology onesies commencement so sleepers afterwards? Thank goodness for Google Photos or my life would feel like an in-the-moment reel without all the zen and peacefulness attached to such a thought, all memory just completely zapped.

The ane thing Ido know, though, is what I'll be doing better this time. Thestuff that I demand to make my life easier during those survival-mode newborn days. I started my registry early (Surprise?) and have been slowly working my mode through information technology, much to the dismay of my friends who are convinced I'll go outnothing for them to buy. And I just become and then damn excited well-nigh each new niggling matter that's going to solve a problem I had last time or make our lives easier or more streamlined in some fashion.

Sothis is my ultimate registry for 2d baby. In fact, information technology'd be a fantastic guide for a first-time (Or quaternary-time!) mama, too, who just really wants to smash it during the commencement go. I am, however, leaving off several basics that second- and tertiary-timers already probably have, focusing on those items that offer much-needed convenience and assist with the transition to #2 or #iii.

Registry For Second Infant


UPPAbaby Vista for the Ultimate Registry for Second BabyUPPAbaby Vista

I accept a slight obsession that I don't even endeavour to hide: my dear of strollers. Final time around, nosotros were on much more of a budget and decided on the chic GB Evoq travel organization with ride-forth lath, making it workable for our little family that we knew we'd desire to continue to grow after the birth of my son. I loved the stroller so much but didn't love the car seat, so I decided to become a new one this go-round. And then it occurred to me, later our trip to Europe, otherwise known as everyone-here-has-a-Bugaboo that maybe I should only become a new stroller system altogether. Not knowing if this is my last baby or not, this time I wanted to get what I reallywanted, and I began my search for the perfect solution.

I quickly discovered, though, that the UPPAbaby Vista would exist absolutely perfect for u.s.. Not just does it wait super chic and accept an unbelievably smoothen ride, you can configure the stroller in a dozen ways to employ with 1, ii, or three (Three!) kiddos.

How rad is that? And then nosotros decided to invest in a system, become an extra seat that my toddler could use at the aforementioned time equally the baby, and eventuallypossibly even ready it upwardly for three.

I've also been amazed at simply how muchstuff is packed into the UPPAbaby Vista organization. It comes with an overnight slumber-approved bassinet that's very loftier quality and packed with functionality: zippers, shades, and screens all over to make the bassinet either cooler or warmer, depending on what you need.

And since information technology is approved for overnight slumber, you could make information technology baby's bed for the first few weeks or months of her life. And so cool, right?

We'll be getting an actress RumbleSeat to use when the baby is old plenty to sit down in it, likewise as the Piggyback Ride-Along Board for Leo to stand on when he's feeling tired but doesn't quite desire to sit in the stroller.

Add it all to that registry for 2d baby!

Nuna Pipa Automobile Seat

So I didn't like my GB Asana car seat all that much. I hateful, I did! It was prophylactic and easy to use and so easy to pop in and out of the stroller frame. But it wasthen heavy. That car seat plus infant felt similar a one thousand thousand pounds, and I carried him in and out of the machine and then much that I idea my elbow would completely break off.

Nuna Pipa Car Seat in the Ultimate Registry for Second Baby

I decided I'd do improve for the second i.

I started looking for the earth's lightest auto seat and came beyond the Nuna Pipa Calorie-free. 7.9 pounds. 7.ix! That's less than Leo weighed when he was born! I was so sold. And then I found out that you absolutelycannot install information technology in a machine without the base of operations, and since we plan to travel to, at minimum, New York City when the baby is about 7 months old, I knew that was a no get.

I decided, instead, on the Nuna Pipa. Sleek and yet extremely lightweight at under ten pounds with all the bells and whistles, it was merely information technology for me. I did have to buy an adapter to make it work with my UPPAbaby Vista, but it was totally worth information technology.

I dear the dream drape for those newborn naps, and I simply but can't become over how lightweight information technology is. Especially living in a metropolis where we bulldoze so much, prioritizing the car seat is a must for me. Registry for second baby must-take.

Halo Bassinest

Newborn sleep was and still is the thing I dread most virtually having a new little 1. I'k non expert with the constant waking up, the feeling of being half a person all the time – information technology'southward only not a neat wait on me. Concluding time, I had a cosleeping sidecar-mode bassinet affair, merely it was massive! It seemed to swallow Leo when he was teeny, and we ended upward returning it. We supervene upon it with a stone-n-play sleeper, which worked actually well, until I constitute out, much later, that they'Halo Bassinest for the Ultimate Registry for Second Babyre not safe for overnight sleep! And so this time, again, I vowed to do better on my registry for second infant. Enter…

The Halo Bassinest.

Information technology may seem ridiculous to not-parents to need something that literally swivels babe over to you, but during that fourth feeding of the dark, it volition makeall the deviation. Even with the rock-n-play, bending over to become my teeny squish meant actually sort of waking upward, engaging my abs (Really!), and having to lift him back up. Pass.

Since safe sleep is so important to usa, the Halo Bassinest seemed platonic. Information technology's a true bassinet, and so it'south approved for overnight sleep, and the fold-downward side is just a game changer. I too got the newborn insert to assist ease the transition from squishy, comfy womb to open flat surface.

We bought the Premiere Series version, since I'm actually into the vibration, little songs, and nightlight, as well as organization for diapers, making those nighttime changes even easier. I knew this slice of gear was definitely going on my registry for 2d baby as shortly as I packed up the stone-north-play for my son!

Dual Photographic camera Baby Monitor

You got 2 kids now; what does that mean? Dual infant monitors, y'all. It's pretty self-explanatory, but we're having to switch baby monitors to easily add a 2nd camera to keep in my toddler's room. He'due south pretty good on his own, simply we volition like to go on an eye on him.

I gave dad the chore of finding the best and easiest dual camera baby monitor out there, and he picked the Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor with Interchangeable Optical Lens to put on our registry for second baby. Nosotros decided confronting a wifi camera this time, since we had trouble with ours before. We as well love that you can change out the lenses on this monitor, since a wide-angle lens would be perfect in the toddler's room to go on all his shenanigans in view!

We'll exist buying this second camera, of course, too, to complete our little dual camera infant monitor ready.


I have all the bathroom stuff we demand – that newborn tub, a ton of washcloths, and a sticky mat for when they're older. Only I definitely had to put new skincare items on my registry for second baby!

Super Condom Skincare

Beautycounter Baby Line for the Ultimate Registry for Second BabyThat precious brand new baby skin! You've got to treat it right; you know that! I fell in love with Beautycounter'southward baby line final twelvemonth and will be using the aforementioned for this baby, besides. I'yard especially fond of

  • Babe Gentle All-Over Wash
  • Infant Daily Protective Balm
  • Baby Calming Diaper Rash Foam and
  • Baby Soothing Oil

And uh… I totally employ the Protective Balm and Soothing Oil on myself, too. So… yeah… maybe I should put a couple extra of those on my registry for 2d infant. But saying.

All their products are super, super safe, and I discover them and so effective, too. My favorite natural infant skincare products, hands down! I've researched the heck out of this stuff, because our peel absorbseverything, and I feel the most comfortable with Beautycounter for both baby and me. It'south all I've used during this pregnancy, all nosotros use on Leo, and all we'll apply on girly, too.


I nurse and pump, so my feel is all about boobs. If you're a formula-feeding mama, you'll want to get a Baby Keurig (With this formula maker/dispenser, y'all can make a bottle in 3-8 seconds and control it all with your phone!) and killer canteen warmer, for certain, if you lot don't accept either or the canteen warmer is looking a fiddling peaked. Become a fresh set of any kind of bottles you liked all-time last time, besides. I know we had a ton but finding and matching all the pieces has proved challenging at our house! This unabridged category is super important on any registry for 2nd infant.

A Badass Breast Pump

I didn't recollect (or know) I'd be pumping all that much with my outset. I figured I'd proceed working from domicile, mostly watching him, pumping at about 6 months when he started attention school or going to grandma's during the day. Then, aye, I got an function chore about that fourth dimension and had to pump near total-time. Whoa.

I probably could non have ever predictable that happening, but this time I'm going into things assuming I'll be pumping like a dairy cow. Last time, I got the pump that my insurance covered 100% merely this time?

I'm getting the gold standard, y'all. The Spectra S1.

With a chargeable bombardment (Pregnant it'due south cordless!) and hospital grade, the Spectra S1 is considered the all-time out there for consumer pumps. I'k investing in all the right accessories, too, similar:

  • My favorite nipple-soothing foam, Lansinoh lanolin
  • Actress Spectra parts, to brand the canteen parts washing a little less terrible and urgent
  • Milk Savers for all that wasted milk from i side, especially in the early days, when little one's eating on the other side
  • Lansinoh TheraPearl hot and cold breast therapy packs, which I loved using with my pump early on
  • Lansinoh milk storage bags, which are some of my favorites and some of the near economical
  • A deep freezer. SERIOUSLY. Finding space for all my pumped and frozen milk was a huge challenge, and pumped milk lasts significantly longer in a deep freeze than a standard door freezer. This was 1 of the first items on my registry for second baby, mainly used as my listing of big stuff to buy earlier my shower, and information technology might seem silly… simply information technology's a must for me! Not like it will get to waste product after I'm washed pumping, either, right?
  • If y'all don't have a transmission pump, I highly recommend getting i. I pumped with my Lansinoh manual during the middle of the night on the opposite side and often got up to half-dozen ounces in a few minutes that way!
  • Since we did a lot of bottle feeding of my frozen milk, we're investing in a amend and faster bottle warmer this time around. Ours was looking a little sad past the time we finished with bottles with my son, so we're hoping this ane is a amend investment for those nighttime feeds by dad, nights out with infant dwelling house with a bodyguard, or grandma helping keeping babe full while I'k out on a shoot.

Béaba Babycook Babe Food Maker

Yep… I was one of those moms who made her own infant food in the early on days. And don't get me incorrect: information technology'due south nonhard with the standard tools, similar a steamer handbasket and pot, blender, etc. But if I can streamline that process, since, hey, I'll be certainly making mac and cheese for the toddler at the same time? I'm down for that.

I used the Béaba Babycook Baby Nutrient Maker when I was a nanny in Paris many years ago, and I loved it then! It steams and blends the ingredients in the aforementioned apparatus, which I think is just too rad. It might seem like a luxury, just since we're all about the freshest food with best taste for infant nutrient purées, I'chiliad all near it. Information technology might be a convenience, but it totally deserves a place on your registry for 2nd baby.

Clip On Counter High Chair

I just kind of assume we're going to be busier than e'er with ii kids, particularly that rambunctious toddler! And since we cook so much, I love the thought of clipping a comfy little chair onto our kitchen counter and hanging out with baby while we do our daily thing.

We take a nifty high chair that we love – a Fisher Price wooden chair from the 80s! My mom kept mine, and I loved it and then much I scoured eBay to find one of my own. But nosotros need something for those before days when a standard forest chair won't work, and this Inglesina Fast Table Chair is just likewise cool. Pair it with these awesome (and adorable) silicone feeding mats with the built-in sections and bowls, and you're totally set. Great for chilling and eating puffs while you do the dishes (I mean, seriously, how many parts tin a pump and bottle accept?!) or get dinner ready. Registry for 2d baby priority!

Other Must-Haves

Dock-A-Tot or Boppy Lounger

Just so we're clear, Dock-A-Tots arenot safe for slumber. What they are cool for, though, is letting babe hang out awake while you exercise other stuff. We put Leo in his Boppy Lounger all the time when he was little, and I fifty-fifty took a shower or two with him on the lounger right outside the bathroom, just staring at and listening to me, kicking his fat lilliputian legs similar crazy. This is a must for me on that registry for second babe.

Chill infant fourth dimension that lets you stay hands-gratuitous? Even more important with the second piffling i.

Lillébaby or Other Baby Carrier/Wrap

I accept thistiny obsession with woven wraps and babe carriers, y'all. I mean, they're just beautiful! And functional. And simply everything about them I, ugh, I love. Primarily, I fell in love because it meantfreedom with a little 1. I'd strap him on and prep dinner or practice laundry or sling him on my chest at the grocery store and actually get a ton of shopping done with a babe whowasn't crying or taking up the entire cart with their car seat.

Líllébaby carriers are by far my favorite soft structured carriers for a few reasons. First off, they're hella chic. I take the one in the photo just in a bright yellow, and it's but gorgeous. On top of that, it comes set to use with a newborn, no insert needed! I too found the lumbar back up to be extremely helpful when Leo was a bit bigger. If you're going to purchase or put merely one carrier on your registry for second infant, I highly, highly recommend Líllébaby.

And a soft, stretchy wrap is groovy for newborn days, likewise. Last time, I had a mitt-me-down Moby, and Leo loved snuggling and sleeping in it when he was make new. This time, I didn'tneed a new wrap, just I got a lovely Solly baby wrap anyway! It was way besides gorgeous to pass up this time.


Oh, hello over again, ii:30 a.one thousand. Miss me? Y'all must've.

During those early on newborn days, I struggled with my own sleep. Leo would wake up, I'd plough on the light, feed him, he'd go back to sleep, and then I was wide awake. And and so I switched to no calorie-free at all, but uh, I couldn't see him, then…

What I really needed was a soft nightlight that was easy to turn on and brilliant enough to let me see my infant without existence so bright or bluish/white that it would wake me upwards. I found this portable, rechargeable, touch-on nightlight with warm calorie-free and color options, besides. It'due south so easy to plow on – you only put your finger on top for a couple seconds – and the light is merely the right brightness and warmth. I'm so into information technology.

Sophie Giraffe Teether

You need a new Sophie. Your old i has black mold on the inside. Simply go a new Sophie, mama. Get a new Sophie.

Smart Thermometer

Nosotros have the strangest array of thermometers at our house: an infrared that doesnot work, a strip forehead thermometer that doesnot piece of work, and a regular digital thermometer that I have to stick up baby'south butt which is only for the really dire moments. You feel me?

This fourth dimension I'yard opting for a smart thermometer (That's still less than xx bucks!) that allows me to rail (AKA actually think) temperatures and monitor the situation at mitt. Registry for second infant must-have. So worth it.

Boob tube Subscriptions

You lot demand Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. Period.

Postpartum Tanks and Leggings

Lastly, my registry for 2nd babe includes a few things for me! I invested in postpartum support tanks and leggings this get-circular. Last time, I had a postpartum girdle, but found it way too uncomfortable to want to vesture when I was freshly postpartum. Since so, the technology with postpartum support has skyrocketed, so I picked up a couple Blanqi postpartum support tops, and I'yard ordering their postpartum leggings when they come dorsum out, also. I wear my Blanqi pregnancy support top almost daily!

Embrace the mom life: exercise tanks and leggings instead of stiff girdles this postpartum menstruation!

Postpartum Extras

Speaking of the postpartum flow, you're going to want to stock upwards on Dermoplast, Tuck's wipes, and adult diapers ahead of time, don't y'all call back? Reality, mama. Reality solidarity.


Source: https://40aprons.com/ultimate-registry-for-second-baby/

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