Chocolate Diaper Game for Baby Shower
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In this hilarious shower game, guests must guess which type of candy bar fills a "poopy" diaper. To make the game more challenging, use more rare and less recognizable candy bars.
Make sure that you don't place the diapers inside the microwave. Instead, microwave the candy bars in bowls and then scoop the "poo" into the diapers.
Place 5 to 6 different candy bars into 5 to 6 microwave-safe bowls.
Melt the candy bars in the microwave until they have liquefied.
Spoon a candy bar into a diaper until you've filled all 6 diapers.
Set the diapers on a table and number each diaper with a permanent marker.
Write down the correct candy bar associated with each number on a separate piece of paper.
While guests can examine and sniff the diapers, you should remind them not to sample the chocolate diaper poo. This would give the contestants an unfair advantage.
Provide a piece of paper and a pencil to each guest..
Allow the guests to examine and sniff the diapers.
Instruct your guests to write down the names of the candy bars they think are in each diaper. Make sure they also write their names on their papers.
Place a basket at the end of the diaper table to collect the guests' entries.
Check the entries. The guest who matches the most "poo" to the correct candy bars wins the game. If you have multiple correct entries, then draw for a winner.
Give the winner a party favor bag filled with an assortment of the chocolate candy bars that you used in the game.
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Do I give them the names of the chocolate candies to choose from?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
What kind of chocolate should I use? And can I use things like M&Ms?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
Do I show the guests the empty wrappers so they can match them to the chocolate in each diaper?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
How far in advance can you make the diaper chocolates? 24 hours in advance or day of event?
The day of the event is best since the candy will not harden. You want it to look like fresh poo.
For the diaper poop game, where do I get 5 - 8 disposable diapers from without buying a whole box?
Community Answer
If any friends or family members have children, ask them if they have any spares you can borrow.
What size candy bars should be used?
You can use the mini-sized bars, or cut full-sized bars in half.
Am I supposed to provide a paper with chocolates used for the dirty diaper game?
Yes, you will need to provide the paper with chocolates in order to play.
Why did the chocolate dissolve in the diaper?
You may have either used a cheap diaper brand or melted the chocolate for too long in the microwave.
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Make sure to microwave the candy bars ahead of time so that they have time to solidify inside the diapers.
Things You'll Need
- 5 to 6 candy bars
- Newborn-sized diapers
- Table
- Permanent marker
- 5 to 6 microwave-safe bowls
- Spoon
- Paper that lists each variety of candy bar
- Basket for entries
- Bag of chocolate candy for winner
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Chocolate Diaper Game for Baby Shower
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